Objective: The objective of this study was to evaluate high levels of PSA (Prostate specific antigen) in BPH (benign prostatic hyperplasia), prostate cancer, chronic and granulomatous, Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia, Chronic and Granulomatous Prostatitis, Prostate Adeno Carcinoma and in many non cancerous conditions and its importance in clinical and subclinical cases. Secondly was also to identify PSA isoforms, other biomarkers, enzymes involved in biosynthesis of androgens and various inflammatory mediators. Material and Methods: In our research we examined 80 patients at National Centre of Urology Histopathological Department in Tbilisi, Georgia using Gleason’s gradation system. we divided patients into 3 groups classified as BPH (benign prostatic hyperplasia) in group 1, chronic granulomatous prostatitis in group 2 and prostate adenocarcinoma with different grades in group 3 and measured PSA levels via Gleason’s gradation 2-10 and ISUP (induced modification to Gleason’s grading system and its importance in clinical and subclinical cases. Significance of the proposal is to evaluate the level of PSA in BPH, prostatitis and prostate cancer. Results: After our examination we found different PSA levels in different cases such as 30 patients with BPH (benign prostatic hyperplasia) had PSA level 4.5-17ng/ml, 14 patients with chronic granulomatous prostatitis had 10-70 ng/ml and in 36 patients with Prostate adenocarcinoma had 2.9-250 ng/ml. All these patients were in age group between 55-78 years. Conclusions: According to the results that have been taken from the biopsies in each category of diseases need different management. We will continue our research in patients with BPH, prostatitis and prostate cancer for evaluating the spectrum of PSA level for further research material, study or investigations.
Rishu Bansal